CTLGFVER *$VER: PetitChimiste.catalog 0.5 (26.2.97) Can't open graphics.library Can't open intuition.library Can't open gadtools.library Can't open asl.library Can't open locale.library Can't open Screen Can't open the display-window Can't allocate the gadget-list Can't open the control-window Can't allocate menus Can't position menus Can't attach menus Calculations Control Can't create main-requester Can't allocate the bitmap #Error at line %i : Atome %s unknown Error : Atome %s unknown !Too much atomes were initialized *Error at line %i : Atome badly initialized Linefeed missing on last line #ERROR Select file to open... Select file to save... PetitChimiste Alarm Can't open file Can't create file %s Without names With names Manual Automatic Can't access visualinfos &Error at line %i : Atome %s exists yet Project Open... About